The study of anisotropy in orientation of fractures by azimuth distribution of seismic scattering energy

Merzlikina A. S.
Bibik A. N.
Volkova A. A.
Tuzovskiy A. A.,
Shilikov V. V.
Reshetova G. V.
Tcheverda V. A.
Тип публикации: 
Публикации в материалах научных мероприятий
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Выходные данные: 
Proc. of the 7th EAGE Saint Petersburg Intern. conf. and exhibition "Understanding the harmony of the Earth's resources through integration of geosciences", Saint Petersburg, Apr. 11–14, 2016. Th C 08. P. 1–5. DOI: 10.3997/2214–4609.201600245.
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