Highly sensitive detection of infrasonic oscillations in the atmosphere using synchronous laser lines with a frequency standard

Britvin A.V.
Borisov B.D.
Poller B.V.
Poller A.B.
Khairetdinov M.S.
Khokhryakov A.S
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Публикации в материалах научных мероприятий
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Britvin A.V., Borisov B.D., Poller B.V., Poller A.B., Khairetdinov M.S., Khokhryakov A.S. Highly sensitive detection of infrasonic oscillations in the atmosphere using synchronous laser lines with a frequency standard. // MODERN PROBLEMS OF LASER PHYSICS - MPLP-2021. The IX International Symposium technical digest. Novosibirsk, 2021 https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46467533&pff=1