Cross-platform implementation of Particle-In-Cell method for simulation of high-temperature andfusion plasma by means of hybrid supercomputers equipped with GPU or Intel Xeon Phi accelerators |
Боронина Марина Андреевна |
A.A. Romanenko, A. V. Snytnikov, M. A. Boronina. Cross-platform implementation of Particle-In-Cell method for simulation of high-temperature andfusion plasma by means of hybrid supercomputers equipped with GPU or Intel Xeon Phi accelerators // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1640, 012016, 2020. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1640/1/012016 |
Electron energization in quasi-parallel shocks: Test-particle electrons in a proton-driven turbulence |
Лисейкина Татьяна Владимировна |
A. Hanusch, T. Liseykina, M. Malkov. Electron energization in quasi-parallel shocks: Test-particle electrons in a proton-driven turbulence // Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2020. V. 642. A47. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202038915 |
Hydrodynamic modeling of self-gravitating astrophysical objects on tetrahedral meshes |
Куликов Игорь Михайлович, Черных Игорь Геннадьевич |
Kulikov I., Vorobyov E., Chernykh I., Elbakyan V. Hydrodynamic modeling of self-gravitating astrophysical objects on tetrahedral meshes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2020. - V. 1640. - Article Number 012003. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1640/1/012003 |
Numerical modeling results for vibroseismic monitoring of volcanic structures with different shape of the magma chamber |
Сапетина Анна Фёдоровна, Глинский Борис Михайлович, Мартынов Валерий Николаевич |
Sapetina A.F., Glinskiy B.M., Martynov V.N. Numerical modeling results for vibroseismic monitoring of volcanic structures with different shape of the magma chamber // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – 2021. – V. 1715. – Article Number 012057. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1715/1/012057 |
Numerical study of diamagnetic regime in open magnetic trap |
Боронина Марина Андреевна, Дудникова Галина Ильинична, Генрих Екатерина Александровна, Вшивков Виталий Андреевич, Черноштанов Иван Сергеевич |
M A Boronina, G I Dudnikova, A A Efimova, E A Genrikh, V A Vshivkov and I S Chernoshtanov. Numerical study of diamagnetic regime in open magnetic trap // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1640, 012021, 2020. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1640/1/012021 |
On a Modification of the Rusanov Solver for the Equations of Special Relativistic Magnetic Hydrodynamics |
Куликов Игорь Михайлович |
Kulikov I.M. On a Modification of the Rusanov Solver for the Equations of Special Relativistic Magnetic Hydrodynamics // Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. - 2020. - V. 14, I. 3. - P. 524-531. DOI: 10.1134/S1990478920030114 |
Ontological approach to formalization of knowledge in computational plasma physics |
Снытников Алексей Владимирович, Глинский Борис Михайлович |
A V Snytnikov Boris Glinskiy G B Zagorulko Yury A. Zagorulko Ontological approach to formalization of knowledge in computational plasma physics. Third Virtual Workshop on Numerical Modeling in MHD and Plasma Physics: 12-16 October 2020, Novosibirsk, Russia, Journal of Physics Conference Series. Volume 1640 012013. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1640/1/012013 |
Optimal synchronization of laser pulses in THz generation scheme with colliding plasma wakes |
Волчок Евгения Павловна |
I. V. Timofeev, E. A. Berendeev, V. V. Annenkov, E. P. Volchok, and V. I. Trunov. Optimal synchronization of laser pulses in THz generation scheme with colliding plasma wakes // Physics of Plasmas 28, 013103 (2021). DOI: 10.1063/5.0029848 |
Performance improvement of particle-in-cell method for numerical modelling of open magnetic system |
Боронина Марина Андреевна, Черных Игорь Геннадьевич, Генрих Екатерина Александровна, Вшивков Виталий Андреевич |
M.A. Boronina, I.G. Chernykh, E.A. Genrikh, V.A. Vshivkov. Performance improvement of particle-in-cell method for numerical modelling of open magnetic system // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1640, 012014, 2020. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1640/1/012014 |
Simulating relativistic jet on the NKS-1P supercomputer with Intel Broadwell computing nodes |
Куликов Игорь Михайлович, Черных Игорь Геннадьевич, Караваев Дмитрий Алексеевич, Генрих Екатерина Александровна, Сапетина Анна Фёдоровна, Протасов Виктор Александрович, Серенко Александр Андреевич, Ненашев Владислав Евгеньевич, Пригарин Владимир Геннадьевич, Ульяничев Иван Сергеевич, Ломакин Сергей Витальевич |
12. Kulikov I., Chernykh I., Karavaev D., Genrikh E., Sapetina A., Protasov V., Serenko A., Nenashev V., Prigarin V., Ulyanichev I., Lomakin S. Simulating relativistic jet on the NKS-1P supercomputer with Intel Broadwell computing nodes // Communications in Computer and Information Science. – 2020. – V. 1263. – P. 224-236. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-55326-5_16 |