Участие в научных мероприятиях

Название доклада Авторы Название мероприятия Место/Дата проведения
СИСТЕМАТИЗАЦИЯ НАУЧНЫХ ЗНАНИЙ ПО АКТИВНОЙ СЕЙСМОЛОГИИ НА ОСНОВЕ ОНТОЛОГИЙ Брагинская Л.П., Григорюк А.П., Ковалевский В.В., Загорулько Г.Б. IV Международная конференция «Современные информационные технологии для научных исследований в области наук о Земле» ITES-2016 г. Южно-Сахалинск, 7-11 августа 2016 г.
A computer information system for genetic data analysis on the basis of a permutation test. Kovalevsky V.V., Khairetdinov M.S., Yakimenko A.A., Grishchenko M.V. The Intern. Conf. on Biomedical Enginering and Computational Technologies (Sibircon/ SibMedInfo) Novosibirsk, Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, 28-30 October 2015.
A Technology of 3D Elastic Wave Propagation Simulation Using Hybrid Supercomputers D.A. Karavaev, B.M. Glinsky, V.V. Kovalevsky Международная конференция "Суперкомпьютерные дни в России" Москва, 28-29 сентября 2015 г.
Informative factors of geophysical field’s interaction in problems of the environmental protection prediction Khairetdinov M. S., Gubarev V. V., Voskoboynikova G. M., Sedukhina G. F. 8 International Conference Mathematical modeling of technological processes (CITech 2015) Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 September 2015
Mud volcanoes and their impact to land and atmosphere (example of taman penninsula, Russia) Woskoboynikova G. M., Venevsky S. V. The 1st Pan-Eurasian experiment (PEEX) conference and the 5 PEEX meeting Helsinki, Finland, 6-16 February 2015.
On statistical adaptation of the order filters for periodic signals processing V.I. Znak 2015 International Conference on Testing and Measurement: Techniques and Applications (TMTA2015) Phuket Island, Thailand, 16–17 january 2015
Scalable parallel algorithm for 3D seismic simulation on clusters with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors D. Karavaev, B. Glinsky, V. Kovalevsky 8 International Conference Mathematical modeling of technological processes (CITech 2015) Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 September 2015
Seismic field simulation on high-performance computers in tre problem of studying the consequences of underground nuclear tests A. Yakimenko, D. Karavaev, A. Belyashov 8 International Conference Mathematical modeling of technological processes (CITech 2015) Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 September 2015
The experience of implementation of permutation test using GPU A. Yakimenko, M. Grishchenko 8 International Conference Mathematical modeling of technological processes (CITech 2015) Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 September 2015
The Numerical Modeling of a Posteriori Algorithms for Geophysical Monitoring Khairetdinov M.S., Voskoboynikova G.M. 8 International Conference Mathematical modeling of technological processes (CITech 2015) Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 September 2015
