Приближенные модели стохастических полей суточных сумм жидких осадков |
Огородников В.А., Сересева О.В. |
Международный научный форум «ИНТЕРЭКСПО ГЕО-СИБИРЬ – 2014» |
Россия, г. Новосибирск, 16-18 апреля 2014 г. |
* |
Сабельфельд К. К. |
The 5th Intern. youth scientific school-conference "Theory and computational methods for inverse and Ill-posed problems" |
Novosibirsk, Oct. 8–13, 2013 |
A spectral inversion of the spherical Poisson integral equation for solving PDEs: performance analysis |
Sabelfeld K. K., Levykin A. I. |
Международная конференция "Методы создания, исследования и идентификации математических моделей", посвящ. 85-летию со дня рождения акад. А. С. Алексеева. |
Новосибирск, 10–13 октября 2013 г. |
A stochastic mumerical model of daily precipitation fields based on analysis of synchronous meteorological and hydrological data. |
V.A. Ogorodnikov, V.A. Slychkov |
7th Intern. workshop on simulation |
Rimini (Italy), 21–25 May, 2013 |
Fundamental aspects of the spontaneous formation of GaN NWs in molecular beam epitaxy |
Fern´andez-Garrido S., Kaganer V. M., Sabelfeld K. K., Gotschke T., Grandal J., Calleja E., Geelhaar L., Brandt O. |
7th Nanowire growth workshop, Lausanne |
Lausanne, June 10–12, 2013. |
Height self-equilibration during the growth of dense nanowire ensembles: order emerging from disorder |
Sabelfeld K. K., Kaganer V. M., Limbach F., Dogan P., Brandt O., Geelhaar L., Riechert H. |
7th Nanowire growth workshop, Lausanne |
Lausanne, June 10–12, 2013. |
Joint use of Monte Carlo and geostatistical techniques for global estimating of functions presented in an integral form |
Voytishek A. V. |
Международная конференция "Applied methods of statistical analysis. Applications in survival analysis, reliability and quality control (AMSA-2013)" |
Бердск (Новосибирская обл.), 25–27 сент. 2013 г. |
Monte Carlo modeling in non-stationary problems of laser sensing of scattering media |
Kargin B.A, Kablukova E.G |
7th Intern. workshop on simulation |
Rimini (Italy), 21–25 May, 2013 |
Numerical Statistical Simulation of Lidar Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Aerosol and Cloudiness in Visible and Terahertz Range |
E.G. Kablukova, A.B. Kargin, B.A. Kargin, A.A. Lisenko |
Intern. symposium "Atmospheric Radiation and Dynamics" (ISARD-2013) |
Saint-Petersburg. June 24–27, 2013. |
Numerical stochastic model of indicator fields of daily sums of liquid Precipitation. |
V. Ogorodnikov, O. Sereseva |
Международная конференция "Applied methods of statistical analysis. Applications in survival analysis, reliability and quality control (AMSA-2013)" |
Бердск (Новосибирская обл.), 25–27 сент. 2013 г |