Технология суперкомпьютерного 3D моделирования в сложно построенных средах |
Б.М Глинский, В.Н. Мартынов, А.Ф. Сапетина |
ПаВТ 2015 |
31 марта-2 апреля 2015, г. Екатеринбург. |
ЦКП Сибирский Суперкомпьютерный Центр: задачи, стратегия развития |
Черных И.Г., Глинский Б.М., Кабанихин С.И. |
Центры коллективного пользования и уникальные научные установки в организациях, подведомственных ФАНО России |
Москва, 20-21 октября 2015 г. |
AstroPhi research application performance tested on RSC PetaStream system |
I. Chernykh |
International Supercomputing Conference (ISC 2014) |
Leipzig, Germany, June 22–26, 2014. |
Development of algorithms and high performance computing software for modeling of the astrophysical objects evolution subject to the chemical processes |
I. G. Chernykh, I. M. Kulikov, B. M. Glinskiy |
Third Workshop on Numerical and Observational Astrophysics |
Linking the Local Universe to the Early One Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014. |
High performance computing in science |
I. G. Chernykh |
Third Workshop on Numerical and Observational Astrophysics |
Linking the Local Universe to the Early One Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014. |
Hydrodynamic numerical modeling of interacting galaxies at the peta- and exascale |
I. M. Kulikov, I. G. Chernykh, B. M. Glinsky, V. A. Vshivkov, A. V. Tutukov |
Third Workshop on Numerical and Observational Astrophysics |
Linking the Local Universe to the Early One Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014. |
Numerical simulation of the ion dynamics in a magnetic trap |
Berendeev E.A., Efimova A.A. |
The International conference “Advanced mathematics, computations and applications – 2014” |
Novosibirsk, Russia, June, 8-11, 2014 |
Numerical simulation of the nonlinear evolution scenario of a beam-plasma system in the case of low density beam |
Efimova A.A., Berendeev E.A. |
The International conference “Advanced mathematics, computations and applications – 2014” |
Novosibirsk, Russia. 2014 June, 8-11, |
Parallel Three-dimensional PIC Code for Beam-beam Simulation in Linear Colliders |
M.A. Boronina, V. D. Korneev, V.A. Vshivkov |
5th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC’14 |
15 - 20 июня 2014, Дрезден, Германия |
Parallel Three-dimensional PIC Code for Beam-beam Simulation in Linear Colliders |
M.A. Boronina, V. D. Korneev, V.A. Vshivkov |
5th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC’14 |
15 - 20 июня 2014, Дрезден, Германия |