A Technology of 3D Elastic Wave Propagation Simulation Using Hybrid Supercomputers. |
Караваев Дмитрий Алексеевич, Глинский Борис Михайлович, Ковалевский Валерий Викторович |
D.A. Karavaev, B.M. Glinsky, V.V. Kovalevsky. A Technology of 3D Elastic Wave Propagation Simulation Using Hybrid Supercomputers. // Труды межд. конф. "Суперкомпьютерные дни в России", г. Москва, 28-29 сентября 2015 г., с. 26-33. |
Informative factors of geophysical field’s interaction in problems of the environmental protection prediction. |
Хайретдинов Марат Саматович, Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна, Седухина Галина Федоровна |
Khairetdinov M. S., Gubarev V. V., Voskoboynikova G. M., Sedukhina G. F. Informative factors of geophysical field’s interaction in problems of the environmental protection prediction. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty: Казах. унив., 2015. – P. 128. |
Mud volcanoes and their impact to land and atmosphere (example of taman penninsula, Russia) |
Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна |
Woskoboynikova G. M., Venevsky S. V. Mud volcanoes and their impact to land and atmosphere (example of taman penninsula, Russia) // Proc. of the 1 Pan-Eurasian experiment (PEEX) conference and the 5 PEEX meeting. – Helsinki, 2015. – P. 485. |
On statistical adaptation of the order filters for periodic signals processing. |
Знак Владимир Ильич |
V.I. Znak. On statistical adaptation of the order filters for periodic signals processing. // Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Testing and Measurement: Techniques and Applications (TMTA2015), 16–17 january 2015, Phuket Island, Thailand, Published by: CRC Press/Balkema, 2015. Pp. 373-376. ISBN: 978-1-138-02812-8 (Hardback), ISBN: 978-1-315-68493-2 (eBook PDF). |
Scalable parallel algorithm for 3D seismic simulation on clusters with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. |
Караваев Дмитрий Алексеевич, Глинский Борис Михайлович, Ковалевский Валерий Викторович |
D. Karavaev, B. Glinsky, V. Kovalevsky. Scalable parallel algorithm for 3D seismic simulation on clusters with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education : (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty : Kasak унив., 2015. – P. 29. |
Seismic field simulation on high-performance computers in tre problem of studying the consequences of underground nuclear tests. |
Якименко Александр Александрович, Караваев Дмитрий Алексеевич |
A. Yakimenko, D. Karavaev, A. Belyashov. Seismic field simulation on high-performance computers in tre problem of studying the consequences of underground nuclear tests. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty : Kasak унив., 2015. – P. 36. |
The experience of implementation of permutation test using GPU. |
Якименко Александр Александрович |
A. Yakimenko, M. Grishchenko. The experience of implementation of permutation test using GPU. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty : Kasak унив., 2015. – P. 35. |
The Numerical Modeling of a Posteriori Algorithms for Geophysical Monitoring. |
Хайретдинов Марат Саматович, Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна |
Khairetdinov M.S, Voskoboynikova G.M. The Numerical Modeling of a Posteriori Algorithms for Geophysical Monitoring. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty: Казах. унив., 2015. – P. 143. |
The numerical modeling of a posteriori algorithms for the processing of a random wave impulse sequences |
Хайретдинов Марат Саматович, Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна |
Khairetdinov M.S., Voskoboinikova G. M. The numerical modeling of a posteriori algorithms for the processing of a random wave impulse sequences. // Proc. of the International Siberian conference on control and communications (SIBCON–2015), Omsk, 21–23 May 2015. – Omsk: IEEE, 2015. (Электронный ресурс) |
Текст. pdf |
Апостериорные алгоритмы в геофизическом мониторинге |
Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна, Хайретдинов Марат Саматович |
Г. М. Воскобойникова, М. С. Хайретдинов. Апостериорные алгоритмы
в геофизическом мониторинге. // Сб. материалов междунар. науч. конф. «Дистанционные методы зондирования Земли и фотограмметрия, мониторинг окружающей среды, геоэкология» в рамках XI междунар. науч. конгр. "Интерэкспо ГЕО-Сибирь-2015". Т. 1. Новосибирск : СГУГиТ, 2015. С. 210-214. |