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A Technology of 3D Elastic Wave Propagation Simulation Using Hybrid Supercomputers. Караваев Дмитрий Алексеевич, Глинский Борис Михайлович, Ковалевский Валерий Викторович D.A. Karavaev, B.M. Glinsky, V.V. Kovalevsky. A Technology of 3D Elastic Wave Propagation Simulation Using Hybrid Supercomputers. // Труды межд. конф. "Суперкомпьютерные дни в России", г. Москва, 28-29 сентября 2015 г., с. 26-33.
Informative factors of geophysical field’s interaction in problems of the environmental protection prediction. Хайретдинов Марат Саматович, Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна, Седухина Галина Федоровна Khairetdinov M. S., Gubarev V. V., Voskoboynikova G. M., Sedukhina G. F. Informative factors of geophysical field’s interaction in problems of the environmental protection prediction. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty: Казах. унив., 2015. – P. 128.
Mud volcanoes and their impact to land and atmosphere (example of taman penninsula, Russia) Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна Woskoboynikova G. M., Venevsky S. V. Mud volcanoes and their impact to land and atmosphere (example of taman penninsula, Russia) // Proc. of the 1 Pan-Eurasian experiment (PEEX) conference and the 5 PEEX meeting. – Helsinki, 2015. – P. 485.
On statistical adaptation of the order filters for periodic signals processing. Знак Владимир Ильич V.I. Znak. On statistical adaptation of the order filters for periodic signals processing. // Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Testing and Measurement: Techniques and Applications (TMTA2015), 16–17 january 2015, Phuket Island, Thailand, Published by: CRC Press/Balkema, 2015. Pp. 373-376. ISBN: 978-1-138-02812-8 (Hardback), ISBN: 978-1-315-68493-2 (eBook PDF).
Scalable parallel algorithm for 3D seismic simulation on clusters with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Караваев Дмитрий Алексеевич, Глинский Борис Михайлович, Ковалевский Валерий Викторович D. Karavaev, B. Glinsky, V. Kovalevsky. Scalable parallel algorithm for 3D seismic simulation on clusters with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education : (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty : Kasak унив., 2015. – P. 29.
Seismic field simulation on high-performance computers in tre problem of studying the consequences of underground nuclear tests. Якименко Александр Александрович, Караваев Дмитрий Алексеевич A. Yakimenko, D. Karavaev, A. Belyashov. Seismic field simulation on high-performance computers in tre problem of studying the consequences of underground nuclear tests. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty : Kasak унив., 2015. – P. 36.
The experience of implementation of permutation test using GPU. Якименко Александр Александрович A. Yakimenko, M. Grishchenko. The experience of implementation of permutation test using GPU. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty : Kasak унив., 2015. – P. 35.
The Numerical Modeling of a Posteriori Algorithms for Geophysical Monitoring. Хайретдинов Марат Саматович, Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна Khairetdinov M.S, Voskoboynikova G.M. The Numerical Modeling of a Posteriori Algorithms for Geophysical Monitoring. // Abstr. of the intern. conf. Computational and informational technologies in science, engineering and education (CITech 2015), Kazakhstan, Almaty, 24–27 Sept. 2015. – Almaty: Казах. унив., 2015. – P. 143.
The numerical modeling of a posteriori algorithms for the processing of a random wave impulse sequences Хайретдинов Марат Саматович, Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна Khairetdinov M.S., Voskoboinikova G. M. The numerical modeling of a posteriori algorithms for the processing of a random wave impulse sequences. // Proc. of the International Siberian conference on control and communications (SIBCON–2015), Omsk, 21–23 May 2015. – Omsk: IEEE, 2015. (Электронный ресурс) Иконка PDF Текст. pdf
Апостериорные алгоритмы в геофизическом мониторинге Шиманская Гюльнара Маратовна, Хайретдинов Марат Саматович Г. М. Воскобойникова, М. С. Хайретдинов. Апостериорные алгоритмы в геофизическом мониторинге. // Сб. материалов междунар. науч. конф. «Дистанционные методы зондирования Земли и фотограмметрия, мониторинг окружающей среды, геоэкология» в рамках XI междунар. науч. конгр. "Интерэкспо ГЕО-Сибирь-2015". Т. 1. Новосибирск : СГУГиТ, 2015. С. 210-214.
